The proposed system consists of several monitoring stations inside and outside the greenhouse, with multiple sensors to measure temperature, relative humidity, soil humidity, wind speed, wind direction, precipitation, radiation, pH, and electroconductivity. The aim of this work is to provide a technological solution based on the Internet of Things (IoT) that helps the agricultural sector to avoid crop losses due to climate change. In this work, an agroclimatic monitoring system for greenhouses composed of three main parts: monitoring stations, a wireless communication network, and a data processing and visualization platform is proposed. These variations are expected to not only continue, but also to increase, putting future agricultural production and food security at risk. The main findings are based on the need to develop mobile applications, dashboard and web applications that are responsive to people with visual or hearing disabilities, and the need to develop an infrastructure of communication systems assisted by batteries and clean energy, and independent of the current telecommunications system, to allow greater reliability.Ĭlimate change is one of the main factors causing environmental variations that affect the crops in agriculture worldwide. In the case of the authorities, the smart visualization of the data according to the information provided facilitates Comprehensive Disaster Risk Management (CDRM) and Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR). The decision-making process is made at the operational, tactical, and strategic level, providing a safe place so people with visual and hearing special needs can make decisions, their families can make decisions, and the government authorities can make decisions in case of an emergency or even on a day-by-day basis.

This research shows a development based on Internet of Things to support people with visual disabilities (PwVD) for indoor and outdoor activities.

#Uso de modulo fiwi con arduino software
The multilayer technology integration of hardware and software will reduce the social inclusion gap and increase the support in case of an emergency for people with special needs at hearing and visual levels. El receptor de radiofrecuencia sería el LSD7 y éste se encargaría de almacenar la información y transmitirla para darle el tratamiento. En este caso se utilizaría un modelo cualquiera de Arduino para extraer los datos del datalogger y transmitirlos inalámbricamente. Otra opción es el uso de radiofrecuencia (ZigBee o Xbee) para llevar la información desde el datalogger hasta un punto en el que se cuenta con Internet o una red LAN o WLAN, si la distancia no es muy larga. Dependiendo de la zona geográfica en la que vaya a instalar el dispositivo se puede aplicar la tecnología GSM para transmisión de datos a través de la red celular. Otras opciones han sido exploradas para los casos en los cuales no se cuente con la disponibilidad de una conexión a Internet cerca del lugar en donde se instala el datalogger. De esta forma los datos se pueden extraer directamente desde el LSD7 a través de WiFi o Ethernet, ya sea por medio de una red LAN o por conexión directa (Ver Fig. El propio LSD7 posee un modo de funcionamiento como Access Point y la capacidad de ser utilizado como servidor web. no se cuenta con una red de Internet se pueden explorar otras opciones.